
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thanks for Helping!

Thanks to everyone I got parts and other help from.

The following Bricklink sellers helped, ordering ten thousand parts is tough!  Special thanks for these sellers for helping with discounts.  My costs are still unmanageable, but every bit helps!
Also thanks to those that provided some bricks:
  • JR Tyner
  • Laurel Lee
  • Merelee Knott
  • Bernie
Thanks to Jaron Kelley from SEALUG or providing sorting boxes!!!

1 comment:

  1. So I realize this is ages past when you were doing this, but I just stumbled upon it. By any chance were you or are you selling, the plans and parts list for the Kenny Baker Artoo? I realize it would cost a small fortune to get all these parts but I figured I could do it over time. Thank you and unbelievably build man.
